Collection: Regenerated Cashmere Knitwear - Women's Sweaters

Are you looking for recycled cashmere knitwear? Discover our collection of women's sweaters in regenerated cashmere, Made in Italy

Maglioni donna

I maglioni donna presenti nel nostro catalogo online sono prodotti da marchi d’abbigliamento europei sostenibili e certificati. La maglieria è prodotta con filati rigenerati e certificati GOTS, OEKO-TEX®, realizzata senza l'uso di sostanze chimiche nocive né coloranti che inducono allergie, assicurando al cliente il top della qualità e durata nel tempo, a basso impatto ambientale. In linea con le tendenze della moda, la nostra maglieria donna è pronta a soddisfare tutti i gusti.

Maglioni sostenibili

Il catalogo Lagraste propone una selezione di maglioni, cardigan e poncho donna realizzati da brand impegnati nel settore della moda con criteri etici e sostenibili e dell’economia circolare. Marchi che producono nel rispetto dell’ambiente e delle persone, assicurando a pieno gli stipendi e i diritti degli operai. I filati sono Lana Merino, pregiata e di alta qualità proveniente dall'Australia e dalla Nuova Zelanda, mulesing free – il filato proviene da pecore trattate adeguatamente – e Cashmere rigenerato, un capo della stessa morbidezza e qualità del prodotto vergine. Diversi i modelli da scegliere: dal classico girocollo alla maglia a collo alto, maglie donna larghe e comode, in diverse spessori e fili, da indossare soli oppure come sotto giacca nei periodi più freddi.

How to take care of your cashmere garment

Cashmere is a precious material and needs some small precautions for its care and conservation.

First of all it must be said that its fine fibers are naturally repellent to odors and dirt and therefore more resistant in daily life than other garments; it won't need to be washed as often.

There are those who admit that they don't want to buy a cashmere garment for fear of ruining it. But there is nothing to fear.

Cashmere is also a friend of water: it is a living fiber, in fact a correct washing revives it!

You can choose whether to wash it by hand or in the washing machine.


It's the simplest method: take a basin and fill it with a little warm water, in which you will dissolve a little neutral and delicate soap or a special detergent for wool and cashmere. It's important to wash only one garment at a time and turn the shirt inside out. Press the shirt, making it absorb the water well and massage it delicately, without twisting or rubbing. Replace dirty water with clean warm water; Gently massage and press the shirt again, replacing the water again until all the soap has come out of the fibers. The entire procedure should last a few minutes (5-7).

Don't squeeze! Wrap your garment in a towel and leave it until most of the absorbed water is gone.

Machine wash

You can also wash your cashmere garment in the washing machine! Again, turn it inside out and put it in a special net to protect the laundry or in a cover. Choose a specific program for woollens or delicates that does not exceed 30° in temperature, using a little detergent, always a specific one. Spinning is generally not recommended for cashmere garments , but if you cannot do without it, set it to minimum speed (400).

Dry cashmere garments

To dry your garment use a towel to absorb excess water - just cover it and roll it in; if necessary, repeat the operation with another clean dry towel.

The garment must absolutely not be exposed to direct sunlight or to an excessive and prolonged heat source and should never be tumble dried!

Another recommendation is not to hang it as the fibers would lose their shape.

The ideal procedure consists in spreading the garment on a cotton towel away from direct heat and sunlight.

Iron cashmere garments

You can iron the cashmere sweater by turning it inside out and using a thin cotton cloth between it and the iron, with the iron at a minimum temperature.

Avoid steam or water splashes.

Let it cool completely before folding it and storing it in the cupboard.

If you follow these washing and drying procedures, we guarantee you will be fully satisfied and you will no longer be afraid of cashmere!