Can CBD Help Relieve PMS Symptoms?

Menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome

According to recent data from the United Nations and Simmons National Consumer Survey, more than 31 million American women suffer from period pain or PMS. With common symptoms including bloating, cramping, acne, anxiety, and mood swings, there are many over-the-counter medications that can soothe and treat PMS. However, for those who don't want to stress their bodies with chemicals on a monthly basis, there is a more natural alternative: CBD oil .

Growing in popularity in recent years, CBD oil and other CBD-related products have been hailed as a potential cure for a whole host of health issues including pain, acne, depression, and insomnia.

However, can this natural substance really help relieve even the worst cases of PMS?

Let's take a closer look.

How does CBD work?

While more research into CBD's potential effects is needed, preliminary studies indicate that CBD is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and has the ability to relieve anxiety and depression.

How exactly?

Every human body has an endocannabinoid system, which regulates and controls the nervous system and immune system, as well as appetite and mood, sleep and memory. However, in some people, the endocannabinoid system may not be able to produce the necessary substances and this is where CBD comes into play.

Can CBD help with PMS?

More and more women across the nation are using CBD oil with the aim of combating the common symptoms of PMS or, at the very least, making them more manageable.
CBD has the potential to:

Help sleep

    As hormones adjust during the luteal phase of the cycle — the post ovulation phase — there is a decrease in melatonin secretions, which in turn can lead to disrupted sleep cycles. CBD may be able to balance hormones and allow you to fall asleep peacefully.

    Fighting food cravings

      If your cycle tends to increase cravings for sweets, promising research suggests that CBD may help the body unlock and utilize its own serotonin, meaning you're less likely to seek solace in food.

      Soothe pain and cramps

        That all-too-familiar dull aching pain in the belly that sometimes spreads to the thighs and lower back can be eased with the help of CBD, which potentially helps relax muscle tissues within the body. Good uses could be a CBD oil tincture placed under the tongue or a CBD cream applied topically to the affected area.

        The other potential ways CBD can help relieve PMS:

        relieve hormonal headaches

        reduce anxiety

        balance mood swings.

          While CBD oil hasn't been scientifically proven to help with PMS (yet anyway), if you're looking for a more natural way to relieve symptoms, or want to try something in addition to your usual over-the-counter pain relievers, so why not try CBD?

          Worst-case scenario: It doesn't do much to help your PMS, but it sure does make you feel more relaxed. Best case: the perfect remedy for period pains is found.

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