
Il sistema endocannabinoide

The endocannabinoid system

Sabina Coratelli

From the knowledge of the numerous benefits of Cannabis on the body, in recent decades scientific research has investigated the existence of an endogenous system, with which the various active...

The endocannabinoid system

Sabina Coratelli

From the knowledge of the numerous benefits of Cannabis on the body, in recent decades scientific research has investigated the existence of an endogenous system, with which the various active...

CBD per concentrazione e prontezza mentale

CBD for focus and mental alertness

Sabina Coratelli

The inability to concentrate on your daily activities is normal and quite common, especially if you are under a lot of stress or have a lot on your mind, or...

CBD for focus and mental alertness

Sabina Coratelli

The inability to concentrate on your daily activities is normal and quite common, especially if you are under a lot of stress or have a lot on your mind, or...

Cos'è l'hash o hashish

What is hash

Sabina Coratelli

What are the various Cannabis extracts and how are they obtained

What is hash

Sabina Coratelli

What are the various Cannabis extracts and how are they obtained

I nove benefici dell'olio di CBD approvati dalla scienza

The nine science-backed benefits of CBD oil

Sabina Coratelli

CBD, cannabidiol, one of the chemical compounds present in the Cannabis Sativa plant, has multiple benefits and is able to relieve various ailments

The nine science-backed benefits of CBD oil

Sabina Coratelli

CBD, cannabidiol, one of the chemical compounds present in the Cannabis Sativa plant, has multiple benefits and is able to relieve various ailments

Dieta, esercizio fisico e sistema endocannabinoide

Diet, exercise and the endocannabinoid system

Sabina Coratelli

What Cannabis science tells us about healthy lifestyle habits for a good functioning of the endocannabinoid system

Diet, exercise and the endocannabinoid system

Sabina Coratelli

What Cannabis science tells us about healthy lifestyle habits for a good functioning of the endocannabinoid system

Il CBD può aiutare ad alleviare i sintomi della sindrome premestruale?

Can CBD Help Relieve PMS Symptoms?

Sabina Coratelli

CBD oil would be a natural method to relieve the symptoms of PMS, including bloating, cramps, anxiety and mood swings

Can CBD Help Relieve PMS Symptoms?

Sabina Coratelli

CBD oil would be a natural method to relieve the symptoms of PMS, including bloating, cramps, anxiety and mood swings