The use of CBD oil for dogs, cats and pets

In this article you can consult all the news on the subject regarding CBD oil for dogs, cats and other animals, its functioning, dosage and its effects.

How cannabidiol works for 4-legged friends

As already explained in the pages of this site, CBD is one of the 80 cannabinoids present in the Cannabis Sativa plant, but, unlike THC, it is 100% legal, since it is not psychoactive and is not included in the list of narcotics. Cannabidiol-based products are obtained from plants that have, by law, a THC percentage of less than 0.5%.

Dog endocannabinoid system

As with humans, CBD acts on the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the Endocannabinoid System, a system also present in animals. From the stimulation of CB1 derives an antiemetic, antioxidant, hypotensive, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic action; while from that of CB2 an anti-inflammatory and modulating action of the immune system is obtained.

Cat endocannabinoid system

However, our 4-legged friends are much more sensitive to CBD and therefore the products intended for their consumption have a lower concentration.

The properties and effects of CBD oil for animals

The studies on the effects of CBD carried out to date have underlined a series of positive effects also on pets, without contraindications if the dosages are respected.

Among the pioneers of these studies and to experiment with the administration of CBD oil for dogs and cats was the Los Angeles veterinarian dr. Doug Kramer , according to which its use for therapeutic purposes could offer the veterinary community new opportunities in the field.

The potential use of CBD could concern, in dogs, behavioral problems, aggression, phobias of sudden noises such as thunderstorms and fireworks, separation anxiety, cognitive dysfunction and senile dementia, problems related to sleep; in cats, obsessive-compulsive problems or excessive vocalizations.

Let's see in the details.

The benefits and pathologies where CBD can help for dogs

Photo by Erin Hinterland from Pixabay

The use of CBD oil for dogs proves to be useful as a therapy for a series of pathologies and to solve some problems such as that of a dog that cries if left alone at home. In fact, the administration of CBD can be of great help in cases of stress and anxiety. A number of benefits have also been validated such as for:

  • arthrosis treatment;
  • relieve spasms and pains;
  • support the immune system;
  • improve digestion and increase appetite;
  • reduce stroke risk;
  • counter epileptic seizures;
  • cure diabetes.

The benefits and pathologies where CBD can help for cats

Photo by Erin Hinterland from Pixabay

The benefits of CBD oil for cats are very similar to those for dogs. It is valid as a remedy for the inappetence of the cat; it seems effective even in the presence of diabetes since cannabidiol, in addition to reducing inflammation, would also stimulate the production of insulin.

Furthermore, many cats live outdoors and this environment could damage the health of the skin and coat: rubbing CBD oil on the skin can reduce this risk, limiting inflammation and allowing fleas and any parasitic infestation to be kept away.

It is also suitable against the animal's anxiety and stress, it allows to relax and stretch the muscles, proving to be an effective aid also in the treatment of respiratory and digestive problems.

The contraindications

The administration of CBD oil to dogs, cats or other pets does not result in any side effects on their health. The possibility of altering the animal's psyche is excluded given the absence of psychotropic active ingredients. For greater safety, it is always important to consult a veterinarian.

Usage and Dosage: How to give CBD oil to dogs and cats

CBD oil for dogs and cats is sold in bottles equipped with a dropper, in order to administer the liquid directly into the animal's mouth. However, this intervention can be unwelcome to our four-legged friend, so it is possible to dilute the oil in water or mix it with food.

The dosage

To evaluate the dosage of CBD it is important to keep in mind the weight, the race and the reason why you decided to use this product.

First of all, it must be emphasized once again that dogs and cats are more sensitive to CBD than humans.

It is always recommended to start with a minimum dosage, and then increase day by day, until the desired result is obtained. Usually one administration a day is more than sufficient, unless of extreme necessity. Normally, 2 drops of CBD oil are calculated for every 5 kilos of animal weight. The use can be daily, but it is advisable to suspend the treatment for a few weeks every 3 months.

Are there any risks of CBD overdose for pets?

Giving large amounts of CBD to pets can cause overdose side effects. Even if the pet is in good health, it could happen that a higher than normal dosage of CBD oil could make it unable to stand without problems or refuse to eat. The problem could last from a few hours to a few days. If you fear that your furry friend is suffering from a CBD overdose, then stop the treatment immediately and visit a vet.

Is CBD oil for dogs and cats actually a cure?

CBD oil for animals is always to be considered as a supplement or support to the prescribed treatments. It is not a panacea, but neither is it a one-size-fits-all solution to pet health complications. Therefore, if you decide to use it for your dog or cat, consult with a veterinarian.

For further information

To further clarify the matter, we report the case of the Ligurian veterinary doctor Elena Battaglia , her testimony and experience in the administration of CBD oil to 4-legged animals.


Like all low THC hemp products, CBD oil for dogs and cats is also 100% permitted by law in our country. Their sale and use will not lead to any unwelcome consequences.